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Capitalizer User manual

forget the shift key!

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User Manual

Capitalizer™ version 1.0- Published by



Capitalizer™ is a productivity tool that capitalizes the first letter on each phrase as you type so you don’t have to press the SHIFT key on every new sentence. It works seamlessly with any software: SDL Trados Studio, memoQ, WordBee, Memsource, Déjà Vu, XTM cloud, and many other CAT/TM tools.

This project arose from a personal need. Being a professional translator myself, I missed the “Capitalize the first letter of the sentences” feature from MS Word very badly. When I transitioned from Wordfast Classic into SDL Trados Studio, it was a really difficult for me to press that little SHIFT key every time I started a sentence.

I searched for solutions in every forum and blog…and there was no solution. So I decided to go the hard way: build a tool myself. After months of hard work I finally came up with the solution. Then I decided to make this tool available to my colleagues and help them increase their productivity.

Next I added another feature, which is missing from most CAT tools: “smart quotes”.

The software is also compatible with the modifier keys that are used to type tildes (accents) in Spanish, French, and other languages.

I hope that Capitalizer™ helps you to translate or type with more fluency and freedom than ever.

How it Works

Capitalizer™ checks for the key that you are typing* and detects if you have typed a “trigger” key or (key combination) for a new phrase, such as Enter, ctrl-Enter, alt-Down, etc. (You can customize the hotkey combination that triggers a new phrase). The first usable letter after that trigger will be capitalized. This means that only alphabetic characters will be capitalized. If you type phrases such as the examples below, the initial punctuation/special characters will be ignored and the capitalization will start with the first alphabetic character (letter):

- item #1 in the list              >>>     - Item #1 in the list

¿qué es eso?                        >>>     ¿Qué es eso?
(in Spanish we use opening question marks)

"i agree with you"               >>>     “I agree with you”

*We fully respect your privacy. Our software does NOT store, nor send any keystrokes, it just checks what keys you type in order to trigger or capitalize a letter. Only the last key pressed is stored temporarily on your PC’s memory and then deleted.


In order to install the software, please extract the Setup program from the zip (compressed) file and double click on it. Its name is CapitalizerSetup.exe.

Then accept the End User License and press the “Next” button.

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Important Notes:

You would need administrator access on your PC in order to install the software.

Due to the Microsoft “Windows SmartScreen” shield you may be prompted to authorize the installation. Normally, a purple banner with the title “Windows protected your PC” is shown in the middle of the screen saying that the software that you are about to run could harm your computer.

Please click on “More info” within this purple banner and click “Run Anyway” in order to install the software.

(It is advised that you check the installation package or any of the executable files you download from the Internet using your favorite Antivirus software, just to make sure).

Once completed, Capitalizer™ icon will be available on your Window’s Start menu and Windows Desktop. You may open it anytime – before, while, or after other applications are running.

Using the Software

Capitalizer™ uses only one screen, where it shows all of the options and actions you can select. The following list explains each checkbox, text box, and button:




1. Alt-Down arrow: This key combination is used in some CAT tools (Computer Aided Translation) to confirm a segment and move to the next untranslated segment, so it’s a good idea to select it when working with such tools so that when you start a new segment the first letter will be capitalized as you type.

2. Enter (Only): When this option is selected, the capitalization will trigger each time you press the Enter key alone. This means pressing Enter without combining it with other keys such as Alt, CTRL or Shift keys.

3. Enter with any key (Alt, CTRL, Shift): The Enter key will trigger a new phrase with capitalization at the beginning, whether it’s pressed alone or along with keys such as Alt, CTRL or Shift.

4. Alt-Enter: Each time you press this key combination, Capitalizer™ will capitalize the next alphabetic key pressed. This is also useful for some CAT tools.

5. CTRL-Enter: Defines the trigger to be this key combination. Some CAT tools use CTRL-Enter to confirm/authorize the segment and go to the next.

6. Alt-CTRL-Enter: Same as above but includes the Alt key as well. Some CAT tools use Alt-CTRL-Enter to confirm/authorize the segment and go to the next one.

7. Period + Space: It’s quite common to have cases where you will want the next letter to be capitalized after a period-space key sequence. For translators, sometimes the CAT tool doesn’t split the segments correctly so this feature is really useful in such cases. For users that don’t use CAT tools this option is highly recommended as well.

8. Any space (Capitalize Each Word): When writing titles or headlines in English, you would likely want to use this option. Just type to your heart’s desire and you will see each word capitalized almost magically on your screen!

9. Automatic curly quotes (smart quotes “”): A feature that most Word users miss when using other apps such as text editors, CAT tools, or filling forms on webpages.

10. Key code for ": For the curly quotes to work properly, you will need to write a key code on this text box. For the English keyboard layout this code is normally 222, and for the Latin-American Spanish layout you will normally use 50. It’s very easy to find out if you don’t know:
   a) Click the Start button [15]
   b) Press the corresponding key with the quote sign (") and
   c) Write down the code that appears on “Last key pressed code” textbox [13]
   d) Type this code into “Key code for " ” [10] textbox

11. Key codes for tildes (modifier keys): In Spanish, French and many other languages, we normally use tildes above letters (for example: á é í ó ú ä ë ï ö ü à è ì ò ù). In windows, when you press these modifier keys nothing appears to happen – until you press a relevant vowel or consonant key. Capitalizer™ uses this information to adjust the word length when you use the Backspace key to know when you have arrived at the beginning of the word so that it can apply a capitalized letter when you start typing after deleting the prior word. Again, you can easily know these codes using the Last key pressed code [13] after clicking the Start button [15].

12. Minimize to system tray: This function is used when you don’t want to have an extra window on your PC running and you just want Capitalizer™ to work in the background. While it is running on the system tray, you can always right-click the   icon to show a pop-up menu. The options on the menu are:

a) Start: Same as clicking the Start button [15]

b) Stop: Same as clicking the Stop button [16]

c) Options: Shows the main window again so that you can change any of the options available

d) Exit: Exits the software. If you want to temporarily pause the capitalization, use the Stop option instead. After using the Exit option you would need to run the tool again should you need to have your first letter automatically changed to upper case.

13. Last key pressed code: This text box is for information only, it is a read-only field and you don’t need to input or change anything here. It shows the internal code for the last key pressed. This code can be used to figure out what to fill out on the “Key codes for tildes” [11] and the “Key code for " ” [10] text boxes. This textbox will work only when the Start [15] button has been clicked and the capitalization process has not been stopped with the Stop button [16].

14. “Register and get it fully functional” button: By clicking this button, you will be able to buy a license so that the software can become fully functional. Please read the “Registering the software” section on this manual for further information.

15. Start button: It will start the capitalization process. From now on your text will be capitalized as-you-type according to the parameters detailed above, until you press the Stop button [16] or exit the tool by clicking the “X” located on the top-right corner of the window.

16. Stop button: Stops or pauses the capitalization process. Your text will not be capitalized as-you-type any more, until you press the Start button [15] again.

17. Information area: While typing, it will show information such as “Capitalizing this letter” or “Not the first letter” in green text.

While typing, if you have not minimized the application to the System Tray, you will be able to see the task icon on the Task Bar with the text:

The text shown on the task bar could be:

>> Capitalizing this letter: The next letter you type will be changed to upper case

|| Not the first letter: The next letter you type will NOT be changed to upper case

X  Trial version: This is one of the 70 phrases that won’t be capitalized, as you are using the Trial Version at this moment (see “Limitations of the Trial Version” section on this Manual for more details)

Correcting with Backspace

If you find that you type a wrong word and it includes a capitalized word, just go back using the Backspace key.

Capitalizer™ will detect if you delete enough characters to arrive to the first letter (the one that was originally capitalized) so if you type another letter at that position, this letter will also be converted to upper case.

Note: if you press any of the arrow keys (navigation keys) or use the mouse (click somewhere else) this feature will be deactivated so that all of the keys will be left untouched. In addition, if you have arrived at the beginning and press Backspace once more the feature will be deactivated.

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Known limitations

·       The current version of Capitalizer™ only works with Latin-based languages. Cyrillic or ideogram-based languages are not supported.

·       It capitalizes by simulating the SHIFT key so other kinds of capitalization are not available.

·       It can’t “see” where you are typing. It performs the “upper case” change of the first letter based on the triggering process described on “How it works” section.

·       Only a Windows version is available, no Mac version so far, but we are planning to develop a Mac version in the future, please contact us if you are interested.

Registering the software

Once you install it, you can click on the “Register and get it fully functional” button. This will show the following window with the information on how to buy a license:

The installation number text box will show a number unique to your PC.

Click on the orange-colored button to purchase your license key online, your installation number will be passed to the purchase webpage. You may pay with any credit or debit card, or using your PayPal funds.

One license will work for one (1) PC only as the installation number is unique to a specific machine; if you need several licenses, there are volume discounts available on the registration webpage.

Your license is “perpetual”. That means that it will continue to work with all future versions of Capitalizer™.

NOTE: If you change your PC or format your hard drive the license will not work. You will need to contact us for a license change.


Limitations of the Trial Version

If you keep using the software without registering, the following cycle will repeat over and over:
30 phrases will be capitalized, and 70 phrases will be left in lower case.

The “Automatic curly quotes” feature works without a problem even if you have not purchased the license.



Password entering: We encourage you to click the Stop button or to exit Capitalizer™ when entering passwords in any software application or webpage, otherwise an upper-case character could be inserted inadvertently, thus making your password incorrect.

Proofreading: This tool is more useful if you are typing or translating from scratch. If you are proofreading or editing prior work, it may interfere adversely by changing some letters to upper-case. For example, if you press the Enter key and after that you correct a word, that letter may be changed to upper case if you have the Enter key defined as a “trigger”.


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Software and User Manual © 2017


© 2007
Sinaloa 321, Pirámides, Aguascalientes, Ags. CP.20277 Mexico
Phone: 011-52 (449) 448 6969 Fax: 011-52 (449) 913 7194 (then dial *51)